Islamic creationism invades France
Transcript of today's show: Sound Off: Science & Faith. Our point/counterpoint regulars Shelley (the voice of science) and Peter (the voice of faith), comment on the story.
The French educational system has been inundated with free copies of a science book written from the perspective of Islamic creationism. Tens of thousands of schools and universities have received the lavishly illustrated book, which features photographs depicting current animal species as identical to their ancestors. French officials have sent out warnings to the schools. Said one official, ‘this book develops theories that are not in harmony with what our students learn. These books have no place in our schools." [source: Direland blog]Listen to the 1-minute broadcast of this story [mp3]
The Voice of Faith: Peter Williamson, M.Div., comments:
The story of Creation does not belong to Islam, nor Judaism, nor Christianity, of themselves. The story of Creation belongs to all of us. It is The Story for one and all. The Muslims who have sent these books to French schools and universities are doing so in glory of God and His Word. And this is how God’s Word will be know, in the end, by all. These books are invitations to know the Truth. I believe that the intentions of those who have sent them are based in the desire to build community among faiths, to share and praise God’s liberating Words.
The Voice of Science: Shelley Greene, Ph.D., comments:
Fundamentalism knows no boundaries, nor is it restricted to one sect or religion. A wave of fundamental reactionism is running rampant in all corners of the world. It is the natural counter-response to progress and civilizing advances in science and technology. We can fight fundamentalism, but it will not be eradicated. And I believe it must be fought with reason, not weapons. The French educational authorities are right to send warnings to the schools. Rejecting their propaganda is the most effective response to their war of ideology.